Candidates who desire to certificated with Global EAS IHHRM G23.0 Certification need to meet requirements of academic and working experiences according to levels of certifications below:

UndergraduateInternational University OutreachPostgraduate
ProfessionsNon professionProfessionsNon professionProfessionsNon profession
EAS IHSP G23.0 (Strategy)5 years of working experiences6 years of working experiences3 years of working experiences4 years of working experiences2 years of working experiences3 years of working experiences
EAS IALP G23.0 (Leadership)3 years of working experiences4 years of working experiences18 months of working experiences2 years of working experiences9 months of working experiences1 year of working experiences
EAS IHRM G23.0 (Human Resources)3 years of working experiences4 years of working experiences2 years of working experiences3 years of working experiences1 year of working experiences2 years of working experiences
EAS IMMP G23.0 (Middle management)2 years of working experiences3 years of working experiences1 year of working experiences2 years of working experiences1 year of working experiences1 year of working experiences
EAS IFL G23.0 (Vital management)6 months of working experiences1 years of working experiences6 months of working experiences1 year of working experiences6 months of working experiences6 months of working experiences

Note: Requirements of experience time is time of knowledge, skills and real technical. EAS IHHRM G23.0 Certifications will upgrade candidate's competency without requirements on inital experiences.

Duration is for Candidate joining in training to take certification applied Credit framework of Europe and America


Candidates who is student about to graduate not have certification. If Chancellor of Academic Council agrees, the Intern will be permitted to study Global EAS IHHRM G23.0 Certification according to Regulations of EAS Vietnam.


Security, Defense is a sensitive major. However, this is major require sodiers adaptive capacity with high level as well as its system must be scientific and creative. That requires sodiers loyality and adaptive capacity in every conditions to survive and conduct every missions of both economics or politics.

To be awarded Global EAS IHHRM G23.0 Standard, soldiers must assure academic goals as well as minium experience for each level of certification.