Global EAS IHHRM G23.0 Standard (or EAS Vietnam International Higher Human Resource Management Qualification Framework G23.0) of version G23.0 is issued by EAS Vietnam under the acceptance of Dr. Bui Phuong Viet Anh (Michael Bui), the Father of General Economic Theory and the Standard.

EAS IHHRM G23.0 is a unique certification of knowledge and competency framework around the world, applied to individuals and organizations on PROFESSIONAL ADMINISTRATION HUMAN RESOURCES scale. This certification is considered as "BLOOD" inside the human body.

Professional Human Resource Administration and Management is Human Resource in Organizational Administration, Operational Administration, Human Resource Management, Strategic Administration, Military, Innovation Leadership & Administration, Economic and Financial Administration and Management.

Non professional Human Resource Administration and Management is Human Resource in majors of science, engineering, education, finance, accounting, technology, law & legacy, etc.



For individuals:

International Higher Strategic Certification EAS SHIP G23.0 for General Director, Higher Strategic Director, CEO, Professional Investor, Head of Departments/Organizations.

International Higher Leadership Certification EAS LIPA G23.0 for Division Manager/Director, Head of Area/Brand/Branch, Higher Administrator, Head of Department.

International HR Management Certification EAS IHRM G23.0 for HR personal, HR Director/Manager, Head of HR Department, HR Senior.

International Middle Management Certification EAS MIMP G23.0 of Head of Department, Team Leader, Assistant, Secretary and non professional administrators.

International Administration Foundation Certification EAS FLIP G23.0 for managers, seniors, HR Senior with leadership foundation, organizational staff and non professional administrators.

For organizations and enterprises:

Organizational Strategic Certification: EAS INSO G23.0 (EAS International Organization Strategy G23.0).

Organizational Brand Certification: EAS INBO G23.0 (EAS International Organization Brand G23.0).

Organizational Culture Certification: EAS INCO G23.0 (EAS International Organization Culture G23.0).

Organizational Leadership & Administration Certification: EAS GOM G23.0 (EAS International Organization Brand G23.0).


International Postgraduate of Leadership & Administration G23.0

International University Outreach G23.0 (IUO EAS Vietnam)

International Immediate Leadership & Administration G23.0

International Leadership Foundation G23.0

That INDIVIDUALS or ORGANIZATIONS possess EAS IHHRM G23.0 Certification is the proof of leadership & administration levels, professional style, strategic pioneer, distinguish culture and effective CAPITAL.

EAS IHHRM G23.0 is the foundation of Knowledge and Competencies helping to connect and create consensus between HR/Employer and Employee; and also, this is the framework for Trainer/Mentor developing for Higher Human Resource on the global scale.