A strong country needs to base on successful integration and promoting internal force effectively. On the "external force" side, that means "integration", in order to successfully integrate the country, there must be outstanding individuals, strong and big organizations, along with sustainable effective competition strategy.

Internal resources to create survival power while integration creates sustainable development. The Global EAS IHHRM G23.0 standard is the crystallization between the intersection of the sharing economy and the knowledge economy under the impact of artificial intelligence and the General economic theory. With the global EAS IHHRM G23.0 standard, we are confident to develop a new and different class of global leaders as well as form global organizations with innovative, classy and durable attributes called Global Organization G23.0. A strong country needs to know based on successful integration and promoting internal force effectively.

Global organization training programs G23.0 is a package of solutions to establish innovation to ensure the organization's development and sustainable integration with 3 main pillars

Innovation leader - Integration organization - Competition strategy