Higher Human Resources is human resources in ages and administration levels of top managers or Higher Leadership in Organizations and Enterprises. (Viet Anh, 2010) Higher human resources are closely linked to the model and organization of an enterprise or organization unit to ensure continuity, inheritance and compensation if consumed during […]

Global EAS IHHRM G23.0 Certification Conditions

GLOBAL EAS IHHRM G23.0 CERTIFICATION CONDITIONS Candidates who desire to certificated with Global EAS IHHRM G23.0 Certification need to meet requirements of academic and working experiences according to levels of certifications below: Undergraduate International University Outreach Postgraduate Professions Non profession Professions Non profession Professions Non profession EAS IHSP G23.0 (Strategy) […]

The Impact Of EAS IHHRM G23.0 On Individuals And Organizations

THE IMPACT OF EAS IHHRM G23.0 ON INDIVIDUALS AND ORGANIZATIONS EAS IHHRM G23.0 Certificate is a supreme symbol for Professional Manner and Profession Competency, Innovative Strategy and Outstanding Thinking Skills of Industrial Revolution 4.0, in terms of both personal competency as well as organizational integration competency. For personnel holding the […]

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